Friday 28 March 2008

Google Page Rank killed

Has Google PageRank killed the traditional SEO? Search engine optimization has always been the classic way to make your site more attractive to search engine spiders, and without good SEO, there was a time in your site had no chance, high in the Google index, or the index databases of each search engine for this Issue....

However, I keep reading in forums and discussion groups that PageRank is now even more important, or at least the number of links back to your site from others. I personally believe that this is only partially true. This is in my opinion, I have results from my own websites, and I have carried out tests.

What is PageRank

First, a brief summary of the site, which rank. Google has a formula based on the links to and from other web pages, both internally between sin your own website, and outside, between your Web pages and those of the other sites. The more links back from other Web pages on a page on your own site, the higher side, you'll get. The more links away from pages on your site to other sites, the lower PageRank this page. So it is a balancing act.

The reason is that Google decided that the more Web pages that link to you, then all the more relevant your page must be the search term (keywords). Your page must be important for the other sites linked to it. This is fine, as far as this definition, but as soon as webmasters understood, they began to connect with each other, until we have today a situation in which these links are automatically created with the help of software and the content of the linked pages, is irrelevant.

However, until Google responds to this issue, right now the Google formula applies regardless of the relevance of each Web page. More detailed information on the Internet, including the links I at the end of this Article, if you want more information about what PageRank really is.

SEO is important?

Some Web pages can be found on Google and other search engines with very little content, and only a large number of links. I have seen examples, and many forum postings in this, but if I have to investigate these sites they seem to be only fairly obscure keywords that are not in the vernacular.

My opinion is that on-site SEO is very important, but if both sides are optimized, then the links from other relevant sites. It is probably a part of the search engine algorithm, contains an element of back-link density in primary calculation, but I do not believe that SEO on the ground is less important as a link density.

My reasons for this assumption are the results, I can get with my Web site pages with maximum on-site search engine optimization, as far as I know how to do it in relation to these Web pages that I have not optimized, but added many links. The optimized pages always better, that the only sites with back-links.

PageRank does not refer to pages sites

Remember that it only Web sites, PageRank and link-density ', and not the entire site. So, if you agree to a page on a Web site on the home page of which has a PR of 8, this Zahl'8 'is irrelevant for your share of the PR of the page you linked to. Most sides have a PR of zero, and that is the advantage you get. Zero!

So if the link to other websites can be found on the PageRank of the page to your link. That is the ranking you will get a share. Not the home page of the site. Some Webmasters will try to work with you and explain that "because you have a shortcut to high PR website, the link should you on your Home Page". This is because a home is usually higher, because it's the side that most people optimize as much as they can. It is normally the home side, the first in Google and Yahoo, and is the highest.

This is proof that I am the SEO is not dead, and the PageRank and links to and from other web pages is a trick many are poor content on its website. I know that good search engine optimization wins every time, and that links the difference between sites with similar SEO and relevance to the search term used by the search engine user.

Also, Google PageRank killed off SEO: absolutely not, and a good search engine optimization on your web pages, go with a higher offer that, if you are purely links. My reason for this assumption is my own experience in the rapid high in the major search engines, if my site is properly designed and optimized.http: / / www.improved search

Ranking Analysis

Results of reporting a measure of your success SEO

Campaign results of the reporting is a key component of search engine optimization, PPC and paid inclusion programs. Generally executed in the final stages of a search engine marketing program, campaign results reporting provides an update on whether the progress of your website search engine optimization is synchronized with the online marketing goals for the campaign. The campaign results reports results compare against the data before your search engine optimization campaign. See how you do in search engine rankings, search engine traffic, references and competitor comparisons to help you progress towards your marketing objectives. Campaign reporting also results in identifying the next logical step and areas that can be improved on the progress to date....

On YELLOW7.COM, our campaign SEO results reporting provides measurable results. We analyze your web site log statistics and also provide you with SEO document reported that the current positions of your target rates on the major search engines. In the process, we discover what works and improved, which is not the case.

YELLOW7.COM provides you with monthly progress reports and search engine ranking reports, so that the results of your SEO campaign are always accessible. While these reports on a monthly basis they are also for our customers on request.

Web Analytics Tracks your destination traffic

Web Analytics is all about gaining vital business intelligence in the online world. While the collection highly targeted visitors to your site is important to understand, which means that traffic once it gets on your site is just as important to a successful search engine optimized website. A crucial part of any search engine optimization campaign web provides an accurate and affordable means for measuring your Internet marketing results, and managing your e-business strategy.

YELLOW7.COM 's Web Analytics offers the latest information about your search engine optimization and results. We will help you not only your web traffic, but understand your traffic conversion rates. Let us not on a single Web Analytics system, but offer the possibility of either a log file or a cookie-based system or a combination of both. YELLOW7 provides Web Analytics reports in the format you choose - and whenever you want.

Web Analytics process an analysis of your site in various parameters such as visibility, functionality, loyalty, economy, etc. We analyze your website log by where Visitors come from and the search conditions, which they use to your site. Download speeds, Visitors and session times pursued to identify improvements in the experience of visitors to the site. We also do a thorough analysis by the identification of recurring visitors, to see what products or services are popular with them to help you in creating targeted offers and incentives. Our web-tracking offers customers a true information repository expert data. From the tracking key phrases to optimize the outcome, to expand the online marketing and branding, and how the search engine optimization drastically reduced customer acquisition costs....

Sunday 23 March 2008

Website Ranking

it the increase in the number of Internet users around the world, online businesses are definitely on a large increase. Even in the emerging markets like Brazil, China, India, the use of the Internet is always very large. Thanks to globalization, the penetration of the Internet and the liberalization of economic policies in most of the markets, now you can create your small, home-based business-to-anywhere in the world with only a well-designed and well optimized website.....

Once a site is only a precondition for any company in today's scenario. But only one site not do something good for your business, if you are unable to generate good amount of sales and revenue through your site. To generate good sales, you need to have quality Web traffic. According to the research more than seventy percent of all Web traffic over the Internet is only through the coming search engines. So, if you are looking for quality Web traffic, you need to improve site ranking on most search engines.

To improve website ranking, you have to many things, but not in a hurry. You should first analyze your target groups. And then you have to analyze what are the key words or phrases that your target audience are using the Internet to Web search. This is very important. Only if your site has a very full of rich content with those keywords, you have a chance to improve website ranking in any search engine.

They must also update your content very regularly. This improves website ranking quite dramatically. This is because of a simple reason that most of the search engine algorithms give top position, while the indexing of websites that if the content is updated regularly.

Also, it is quite obvious that you need to have a lot of knowledge about SEO, if you want to improve website ranking. Normally, most companies owner or webmaster will not have sufficient knowledge requires that improving the site ranking. Or will they not have enough time to do so. In both cases, it is quite perfect, if you SEO professional consultants to improve website ranking.

In this world of outsourcing, it's been shown that it is always a better idea to outsource the work that you are not very good to a person or company that is good that the work. To improve website ranking, you can find many professional SEO consultants to work for you. You can even create a professional consultant for a very reasonable price, if you work in the outsourcing countries such as BRIC countries, India or China.

Traffic Generator Software

Once your site is up and running, you're probably looking for effective ways to increase traffic and attract visitors to your site. Traffic Generator software can be found in many forms online, and there are some advantages. On the one hand they are a good starting point for additional keyword recommendations and sites to review or a link. They can give you timely information on the links on the right and word combinations, and they can propose alternatives, for what you are doing. Secondly, they can be great additions to learning more about the search optimization techniques.....

However, almost all traffic generator software programs available today are clever marketing tactics of search engine optimization and AdSense industry today. With the growing demand for knowledge and information about AdSense program, "Traffic generators are often only vessels of information to your needs. To move away from purchases of software, here are some worthwhile tips to make your traffic. Here are the promises that these generators "hope to meet:

1st Make use of weblog tools and invest in some strong analytical software packages, if you want. There are some great resources out there that can map and monitor your daily traffic. Check with your AdSense template package for the custom tools available on your site.

2nd Use mutual links wherever possible. This goes hand in hand with your advertising and marketing efforts for your site. The more the linkage can you do, the better your chances, the visibility and traffic on basic search engines and beyond!

3rd Use keywords for the themes and core of your site. Whenever possible, check Google AdWords switch and Yahoo! Keyword selection tools from the game for the most profitable and rewarding keywords for your site.

4th Use social networking sites to your advantage. If not fall into the trap to becoming a spammer, but do some real networking with other like-minded people to promote and share your website and its content.

5th Create a viral marketing campaign and track the results. You can easily on a campaign to analyse the results and Web traffic with free software programs available.

6th Records of your blogs for easy reference. Stay organized with your valuable data so that the best decisions on an ongoing basis.

In addition to these top strategies that may include partners and link to those sites, with additional traffic. This allows you to a targeted campaign, and may prove a valuable reference book. Some benefits of the use of traffic generator tools include better access to industry articles and information and the ability to others in the forums and discussion groups. You can automatically be able to promote your Web site with other users, your growing traffic light. While there are no guarantees to increase the marketing of this software, so can you an introduction, how the system works.

http:// /

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Page Rank Boosting

In order to achieve an improved visibility site through search engines rankings has become a key requirements in today's virtual world.The increasing use of directories, similar tothe need of each company on the way to an upturn in its net traffic .....

This is done through the Internet to increase their visibility on the Internet.

The best means to establish that it probably included in the list registered a link directory. The formula of this kind and with a weight of the directory saves you time expenditure up to the search in each target company's website.

This search could turn out to be a time, the effort because it is a steadily growing number of websites to find the information intentionally so complicated as to try and reject spam and the mechanized submissions.

Obviously the list must be comfortable search engine and maintain a good PageRank, and so, the act of the template directory to a useful and an essential tool for online marketing.

Via do it right you reach a senior brand in search engine results and have the advantage that your site indexed and of course receive a click on Internet traffic to your Web site.

It seems there is a growing debate taking place in the network, whether directories are worth to the template. There are those who would see that it is a waste time submitting your site, including a huge quantity of directories are insignificant, of course, these people put their trust in search engines rankings on the net, but a lot of the webmasters fail to the way to recognize the difference between the search engines in the directories.

This error is to say, except the two could possibly lead the way to a decrease in the efficiency of the use of Internet directories to the sites' ranking and then for the production of Internet traffic on the website.

The robot "spiders" applied by the search engines single parents whose goal is to blindly store information from the Internet sites so as to prepare them for their database.That is the reason why search engines, human editors to check Web Sides, if they are in their directories.

That is one of the reasons why it's important that you carefully on the directories you want.

We believe in the editor of human resources can lead to a dissimilarity and beyond that a false website that is not a professional design could be found by search engines as unhelpful Web site. This is the main reason why we mainly make use of human edited elected exclusive links and also receive regular maintenance on our Internet site, including the numerous categories.

If your site on a Web directory, if it is a free directory or a paid Web directory, it is necessary to inspect it and times to see that error (if it's possible that there is one) are resolved And then one of the data displayed on the website is updated every time. In this way you will certainly recognize you chose the absolutely best site for you.

To ensure a long story short, there are some people who could claim that the use of directories are only a few Internet sites with categories, only a collection collection of links that over the Internet.

Yet in reality they are a way for Web surfers to easily find the links they were looking for, with the help of defined categories, such as alternative medicine and sports and fitness, each of them with accurate data and information with reference to only those Boxes, dropping the need to spend valuable time of the audit for the Internet, and of course the use of sub-categories makes the work of "fishing" for information and data even easier.

However, it is very simple tool to your site popularity in the search engine rankings.

In selecting the right Internet directory, a general or a particular that a simple portrait of your Internet page within the Web directory you can use the appropriate category or subcategory may be as to your site.

Back to submit your web site to an Internet directory may be a small amount of work, but it brings you the search engine rankings that your site should have!

Friday 7 March 2008

Virus Alert

When talking about computer virus protection, anti-virus software and firewalls, it is important to stress that no virus protection system is foolproof. Even after top security computer systems were repeatedly infiltrated by hackers and computer criminals simply by programming a virus. Files were deleted, accounts and identities have been stolen, and confidential files have been accessed by those hackers. That does not mean that anti-virus software are useless, but to point out that these programs work better with the users' help.....
Computer viruses are programs that replicate itself and infect files and disks. They spread and transmit when files, disk drives or programs to be replaced. E-mail attachments from known people, like your friends, professors, colleagues or even your boss, virus-laden. The sender can not even aware that they are you a virus. Computer-virus protection, anti-virus software and firewalls are developed to help identify the virus, the infected part of the system, and the process by which the virus. But as I said before, they need your help. New programmes are being developed regularly, and apart from these, there are also new technologies in use. With the improvements in technology, it is naive and wrong to assume that viruses remain as they are. They are constantly changing, increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. The most advanced viruses are not recognized until they are brought down entire systems and controls. It is the first trick, the virus protection is to subscribe to a reputable anti-virus software. Free software can detect and quarantine simple worms and viruses, but it would be hard pressed to the more demanding species. Subscription fees requires minimal in comparison to the degree of protection to your computer. This is especially useful for companies and large companies, where several computers are connected in a network. Computers for home use and ones that are not used for the storage of sensitive data can only with a fine free downloadable software.

Subscription automatically causes your computer virus protection, anti-virus software and firewall security update whenever possible. This is an advantage, because you can ensure that with the rapid sophistication of new viruses. The more your software is updated, the more efficient it is in the Fang the virus. Free software must be updated or replaced with new versions regularly. It is best to update your software whenever your software site will notify you of newer versions. Apart from these tricks, do virus scans to files, floppy disks, hard disks, software, programs and other applications must be second nature for you before opening or downloading. Keep your backup files of data and files in your computer from a virus caused them to be deleted. Regular restart and "cleansing" of your system also minimize vulnerability to viruses. Computer virus protection and anti-virus software to optimize their performance with your help. http://

The Move to e New Anti Virus

New model for anti-virus and security solutions.

Fundamental # 1: The basic model

Anti-virus software vendors still rely on yesterday's methods for solving today's problems: they wait for the next virus play havoc, and then to find a solution. This has for a long time, if a virus would take years to traverse the world. But in this fast-paced Interet-crazed world we live in today, this type of solution is no longer applicable. Now a virus can traverse the world and infect millions of computers in a few minutes.....

In the good old days a virus traveled from disk. Insert a floppy disk in your computer and save some data to him and the virus would infect the floppy. Then the unknowingly infected floppy disk to another computer and presto the new computer would be infected. (I'm skimming over many details here by one point). So the virus' progress was slow and steady. Anti-virus vendors had time on their side. They had the time to get a copy of the virus, dissect, run it through a series of tests for a signature string (definition see below), insert the string in a database of strings to search if the scan your hard drive (and disks) and the release of the new database to the public. Ten years ago, this system works very well.

But now, all over the Internet. Now, by e-mail as a means of transport, it does not take years to gather momentum, instead it takes a matter of minutes. And here is where the model breaks. Step back and ask the following question: If suppliers can catch "known and unknown viruses" as its literature states, how is it then that we continue to have virus problems?

The answer lies in the fact that virus writers were more creative new ways to infect and play havoc and the software industry has not responded in kind, rather remain embedded in its old-fashioned methods.

Why not the old ways no longer work, you may ask? It is relatively easy. Let's go through the steps.

-- A virus unleashes NewVirus author by e-mail. It mass-mails to his virus thousands of people. Some, not all, unwittingly opening the plant think it's from a friend or the subject is so tempting that they misled to open it without thinking it is a problem (see nude pictures of Anna Kournikova). The e-mail attachment via e-mail immediately starts everyone in his contact list and embeds in its operating system, so that each time, it switches on his computer.

The people he in turn e-mails fooled into thinking the e-mail address is valid and they open the facility. Very quickly hell breaks off. Agencies, the monitoring of Internet traffic are problems associated with the sudden spikes in e-mail traffic, and they start to get calls or e-mails warn them of the fact that there are new problem. The samples come from and sent to anti-virus vendors. They pass the e-mails through a series of tests to analyse what exactly the virus does and how it does it. Additional analysis is to extract a unique string of 1's and 0 to identify this plant as nothing more than NewVirus. This is called the signature string. It is important that regardless of string has arrived in does not exist in any other program or piece of software, otherwise you will get what is commonly known as false positives.

Quick digression about "false positives": When a manufacturer comes at a unique string, which only coincidentally be embedded in Microsoft Word, then each time a user a scan of their hard drive, Microsoft Word is found that they are infected with NewVirus. Word users uninstall and reinstall only to learn that they were still infected. There are complaints, the provider forced a reassessment of signature string and re-released its list of strings and admit the error.

Typically signature strings match against a whole boatload of commonplace software only to protect against this event, but it still happens and suppliers to learn about new software to test their beds.

OK, so the vendor came up with a signature string. Continue? Implementation of the string to string their database, so that when their scanners to scan they find it in your hard drive, which in the database. After the database was updated, they let the database to their customers, which commonly referred to as "push" send, where the updates to its primary users.

If you do not buy into this service, you must know enough to get in your anti-virus manufacturers and update your software for you to stay up to date.

So, where are we? The bad Guy or teenage problem has unleashed NewVirus. NewVirus has infected thousands of computers; suppliers were alerted; NewVirus continues to infect; solutions and "pushed" to corporate customers; NewVirus continues to infect hundreds and thousands of computers, corporate customers breathe a sigh of relief and alerting users than to the new threat.

Thousands, if not millions of computers infected and must be cleaned because the best way to solve the problem virus is to wait for each new virus to come together and resolve on a case by case basis.

But if you sat back and said: What if? What if you categorized all things a virus can do (or could do), built a number of computers to allow any e-mail attachment or program to have full run of a computer (similar to how it would be on your own computer -- Like a computer is called "honey pot") and then analyze that computer for undesirable behaviour?

That would be a genuine pre-emptive attack against all malicious software. This is the behavior-based model. Such a model would actually protect you unknown viruses, along with all the 70000 known viruses.

In Part 2 we will discuss the risks and security failures that distributes software on your provider desktop.http: / /